Invite class members to share verses from James that inspire them to be “doers of the word” (James 1:22). If it’s not too personal, they could also share what they feel they need to act on, individually or as families.
Invite several class members to share themes or specific truths that stood out to them as they studied the Epistles of John and Jude. What messages from these epistles were most relevant to them and their families?
To help class members review some of the insights they had as they studied Revelation 6–14, write the numbers 6 through 14 on the board. Class members could write next to a number any insights they found in the corresponding chapter that are relevant to someone living in the latter days.
Teaching Stripling Warriors is excited to announce that we are now offering monthly subscription plans. This has been one of our most asked for features, and we have worked hard to get it ready just in time for the new Come Follow Me curriculum.
Each subscription plan includes five weeks of lesson packets: two previous weeks lessons, the current lesson packet and two future (or more) lesson packets. As always, each lesson packet will include a color option and a digital option.
**IMPORTANT: Please note that because Young Women and Youth Sunday School classes are taught every other week, the Young Women Warriors and Sunday School Warriors subscription includes half of the content of the larger plans and is priced at half the cost to reflect this change.